All About Me!

Cerri Haislip
5 min readJun 24, 2024



I recently got an influx of new followers. (hello strangers! welcome to my medium page!)I figured I would take the time to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me and what you’re getting yourself into. It’s so nice to meet new people, and I hope you stick around for a bit. :)

the author enjoying a beer outside her shitty college apartment

Hi there! My name is Cerri (pronounced like ‘Sary’) and I’m 23 years old. (24 in July! :D) I have three tattoos, 6 piercings, and hair that is usually never its natural color. I’m a stereotypical Cancer and love all things astrology. I’m a bookworm with a deep love of all things fantasy, however I’m known to read a good romance novel every now and again. I’m an RPG enthusiast with a knack for spending majority of my time playing World of Warcraft or cozy switch games.

I love to sing, dance, and generally be a goofball with my friends and family. I love movies and music and could talk about both subjects for hours! I’ve been to many concerts (mostly Green Day and Fall Out Boy). I’m really good at telling people fun pop culture facts or spouting off entire discographies for certain actors and actresses. This is totally from the fact that I was blessed with ADHD. I used to think my ADHD was just that, a deficit. I find as I get older, It’s like having my own superpower. Although it causes me to forget things and sometimes interrupt people when they’re talking, I wouldn’t be me without it.

I love whiskey, vodka sodas, and cold beer. I’m barefoot 90% of the time, love cigarettes when I'm drunk, and talking to animals like they’re humans. I played the clarinet for 8 years and probably could still shred to this day. My favorite flavor of anything is always blue raspberry, and I truly can’t spell the word onomonopeia.

the author on moving day!

I graduated college a year ago with a degree in Fine Arts. I concentrated in graphic design, and I absolutely love what I do! I didn’t realize how much I loved being a designer, but you can read all about that here. Anyway, after I got my diploma at 22 I packed all my stuff into a moving truck and completed uprooted my life. I was born in South Carolina but was raised in Pennsylvania my whole life. I decided to move back to South Carolina and I absolutely love it! I moved in with my cousin in a spacious two bedroom apartment five minutes from the beach.

I live with her as well as my sweet baby kitty, Maizee. She really keeps me going on days I don’t think I can go any further. Life at the beach is everything! The endless sunshine and waves really make you feel incredible.

after sunset is the best time to be at the beach!
the sweetest baby to ever exist ❤

Next, I have to tell you that my family and my friends mean the world to me! I couldn’t get through this life without them, they are truly the only thing in this world I couldn’t live without. How lucky am I to have so many people in my life that love me and care about me so much! My grandfather was one of 15 kids, which means my mom has 76 first cousins alone. This in turn means that I have a huge, loud, in your face family and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m one of four myself, and the middle child to boot.

the author with her friends | the author with her family

Friends come and go, but I am fortunate enough to have someone to call my best friend. He gets his own paragraph on here because I’ve talked about him in other posts and will probably mention him in future ones as well. Grayson is my absolute favorite person in the whole world, I could write pages and pages about him. I lived with him and his girlfriend Maddie (who is my 2nd favorite person in the world) in college and without them I probably wouldn’t have my degree. He gets me like no other person in this world and I wouldn’t be who I am today without him. I hope he knows that he’s saved my weary soul and healed a heart he didn’t break. Being apart from one another is among the hardest things I’ve had to do in my short span of life.

The author and her best friend in the whole world

The last thing you need to know about me is, I’m the most mediocre writer to ever exist. I use this platform to spill all my thoughts like it’s my own little virtual diary. No one really reads what I say anyway (besides Grayson, hi Gravy!) So it’s the perfect outlet for me. I try to write once a week, but sometimes like a normal diary I completely forget or don’t know what to write about. I find that I really do like writing though, it’s great fun.

So, there you have it folks. Thank you for reading this all the way through! I can’t promise my writing won’t be absolute crap, but I can promise you’ll be entertained.


-C ❤

the author in her happy place



Cerri Haislip

Design is my first love, followed closely second by pork chow mein. Talk mostly in quotes, play well with others, and I don't know how to spell onomonopoeia.