My Real Life Bucket List

Cerri Haislip
2 min readApr 29, 2024


[That’s Her Business via Unsplash]

Everyone always says “I’m adding that to my bucket list!” but do they actually have said list in motion? Well I do. Here’s the list of things I want to do before I croak. Enjoy!

  1. Shave my head
  2. Eat a garbage plate
  3. Eat dinner at the Eiffel Tower
  4. Travel to Greece, Italy, France, Scotland, and Ireland
  5. Attend a fashion show
  6. Try lobster tail (good lobster tail preferably made by someone else)
  7. Attend a concert in the pit/front row
  8. Meet a celebrity (I’m still tossing this one back and forth. I’d hate for my dreams to be crushed…but also see #24…and #25)
  9. Eat a whole cake (ok maybe not the whole thing, but definitely most of it…with my hands.)
  10. Drink champagne from the bottle (I could knock this off anytime I wanted but I don’t have a good excuse to drink a bottle of champagne by myself)
  11. Jump into a pool in a gown (this feels cinematic to me I need to know what it’s like)
  12. Attend Comic Con
  13. Go on a yacht
  14. Get my makeup professionally done
  15. Drive in an old/fancy car
  16. Go to Hawaii
  17. See a show on broadway
  18. Try king crab
  19. Go to NYC for Christmas/Thanksgiving
  20. Go to Paris for Christmas
  21. Go ice skating in NYC & Paris
  22. NYE in NYC
  23. Go to the museums in NYC & Paris (im sensing a theme here…)
  24. Meet Burt Kriescher (or go on Something’s Burning…he’s a cool guy i’d love to hangout with him)
  25. Get married
  26. Go to Disneyland
  27. Become fluent in another language
  28. Write a book
  29. See more of the USA
  30. Fall in love

So, this is what I have so far. What’s on your bucket list?



Cerri Haislip

Design is my first love, followed closely second by pork chow mein. Talk mostly in quotes, play well with others, and I don't know how to spell onomonopoeia.