Hello, Is This Thing On?

Cerri Haislip
2 min readNov 29, 2023


[Lena Krieg via Unsplash]

I’ve always only used Medium as a way to post things for my professors to see. (Hi, Scott! If you’re seeing this I’m finally using this website rather than leaving my designer junk on it!) I’ve always liked writing, but it definitely came second to being a graphic designer. Now, as I sit at my cushy new desk (It’s a table against a wall, I have yet to get my office together) at my cushy new job, I get to marry the art of writing as well as designing.

At least, I’m going to attempt to to do that. Is anyone going to read this? Probably not! Am I still going to do it anyway? Absolutely! I’ve definitely admired the people who could effortlessly let worlds flow from their brains to their keyboards. I’ve read hundreds of articles anywhere from self help to travel, and I’m always amazed at the ability others have to transform things with words alone.

With that being said, I’m going to give this a try. Even if no one reads my ramblings, I’m still happy to share my thoughts. The brain can be a scary place my friends. I’ve never been one to keep a journal, and when I attempted to it didn’t last very long. That’s the beauty and curse of ADHD. I’ll start something, get really into it for a short period of time, and then drop it and return to it months later or sometimes never at all. This will probably be just like that.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy my awful comma placements coupled with terrible grammar and bad humor. I’m not sure what’s going to come next, but that’s the exciting part about the journey. Plus, we’ll get to learn together.



Cerri Haislip

Design is my first love, followed closely second by pork chow mein. Talk mostly in quotes, play well with others, and I don't know how to spell onomonopoeia.